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🇺🇸 Shipping Information for US ordersUpdated 2 years ago

Where do you ship your orders from?

Even though we are based in Europe, all US orders are delivered strictly from warehouses in the United States. Currently, those are located in California and Pennsylvania, but we are expanding to more locations. Your orders do not go through customs as the deliveries are domestic.

Which shipping options are available?

For the majority of continental United States, there are three shipping options: Economy, Standard and Express. They can slightly vary in price as sometimes a different courier is used based on your location. Most of our orders are delivered either by the USPS or UPS. On some occasions, we also use FedEx and DHL.

How can I track my order?

Upon your order leaving our warehouse, a shipping confirmation will be sent to the email you used to place your order. In the confirmation, we include the tracking link for your delivery.

There have been no updates to the tracking page. What should I do?

All delivery date estimations are in business days. If you've placed your order right before or during the weekend, your package will almost always be shipped on Monday.

If there are still no updates to your tracking page after 3 business days of receiving your shipping confirmation, send us an email to [email protected] and one of our agents will sort it out for you.

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