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โŒ Order Cancel and Order EditUpdated 2 years ago

I made a mistake while ordering. Can you cancel my order?

We should be able to cancel your order and issue a refund if it hasn't been shipped out yet. There is a few hour delay before orders appear in our warehouse app. As long as your cancel request reaches us before that, your order will be cancelled.

For US orders, the time window is 12 hours after you've placed your order. For worldwide orders, you have to let us know before 9:00 am CET. That is when a pull is done by our warehouse app.

All cancel requests are processed strictly through [email protected].ย 

I would like to edit my order. Please help.

Order edits are similar to order cancels. As long as we receive your request in time - we'll be able to edit it.

If you let us know early enough and we were too late to respond, we will help you with an exchange process and get you the items you initially wanted.

All edit requests are processed strictly through [email protected].ย 

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